Sunday, May 6, 2012


Two weeks at home before summer term starts.  That's two weeks of safety, which I suppose I should appreciate.  Two weeks in a place where I know the number of doors.  I know the hall closet is six inches from the bedroom door, and that the laundry room door is never closed.  It's also two weeks in which the Slender Man can stalk the person with the yellow chalk.  Not that they're likely to come back over the summer.  If you're being stalked, why not flee home, possibly to another state?  How many victims know that you can't really escape the Fears, once you've gotten their attention?  I suppose they all do, eventually.
Yeah, that was cheerful.  Way to keep your spirits up, self.
I can't just sit here and ignore Those Which Go Bump In The Night.  I suppose since there's nothing to watch out for, I can at least do some research.  See if I can find out anything about the Panopticon, maybe work on getting a Freedom of Information request in about the dead girl.  That, and keep an eye on the Runner blogs.  Always a chance to notice something that was missed.  


  1. You seem to be getting a bit obsessive. How sure are you of your local water supply?

    1. Not a new behavior pattern. Just harder to hide when under stress. I should probably explain where it came from. Next post, I think.
      Second...the idea of EAT getting into an aquifer that serves three states is frankly terrifying. Since it hasn't happened, Maybe something in the rock acts as a filter? Don't know enough to speculate beyond that.
