Friday, April 13, 2012

Into This World We're Thrown

First Panopticon Guy:  "Hey, somebody took a picture of a doorway into the Empty City, and seems to be actively searching them out."
Second Panopticon Guy: "There is no Empty City.  This is the best of all possible worlds."
FPG:  "Well, yeah, but he was still snooping around the doorway that doesn't exist.  How should we deal with that?"
SPG:  "Tell him there's no Empty City?  We really don't have a lot of tools here, you know."
FPG:  "Should I mention that this is the best of all possible worlds, too?"
SPG:  "You know it, bro!"

This is the only way I can possibly explain what I found today when I went back to check the suspicious doors I looked at on Wednesday.  Door one and two, no change.  Door three, though?  Pictures speak louder than words.
This is what was waiting for me where the third photo on my last post was taken:

I get the message.  Fuck off,  we have this under control.  But it means these runners aren't crazy.  The door really did disappear.  I saw something that is supposed to be impossible.  I took a fucking photo of something that's impossible.  And somebody noticed.  I'm not sure right now which fact is scaring me more.


  1. So they proved they were full of shit in order to tell you to stop trying to prove their full of shit?

    Smart guys.

    Also Riders on The Storm is awesome.

    Also also It's nice to be known.

    1. Full of shit or not, they know I'm looking. I don't want to end up like Krug. The question is whether they saw the public post, or actually caught me searching. I'll have to be more circumspect in my searches, keep an eye out for them.

      It's good to know that evil can still have good taste in music, even if it's just that the song's mention of a killer on the roam is near and dear to your heart.
