Friday, April 27, 2012

Isn't That The Way They Say It Goes?

On my way to my final exam.  Last day of classes.  I spot this:

Sorry about the quality, it's a quick snap while I was in a hurry, looks like my phone case got in the way.  Something done in chalk isn't unusual.  There's always one thing or another drawn on the sidewalks in public areas at the college.
This was closer to the dorms.  Someone's drawing Operator Symbols on the sidewalk, recently enough that the rain hasn't washed them away.  Those things are usually the sign of a runner, or someone going crazy/proxy.  And that person is likely to be going home tomorrow.

Needless to say, I was not fully concentrating on my final.

Edit: Since about half of these observations are visual, I've tried a bit of code to allow you to zoom in on pictures without clicking.  Comment if you hate it.

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